Monday, June 18, 2007

why are student not allowed to where beer logols in schoold

i think that it is a stupid idea. Because its not like we are drinking it or any thing. i like to wear my hat cause i like the colurs. i also think that wearing my basball cap is a very big fashion statement. you can see the advertizments on tv and on the radio so whats the big deal if we are whereing them at scholl.

why are student not allowed to where beer logals in schoold

country music vs rap music

country music is the music to listen to. It is the best not only cause im a very big country boy but its the best out there . rap is way to viloent for the little kids and for the older ones cuase it give them ideas like vandilizing things and its get them into the wrong people like gangs and drugs.

how much home work is too much

Recently in the toronto star there has been a write up about homework overload. The kids think having to be at school all day then go home and to do hours of work, is way to much our little brains. I dont let home work stress me out cause i never do it(sorry ms.cubitt)hahahaha

summer plans

my summer plans this year is to hopefully get a great job and pull in lots of money for school next. And i plan on going to a summer track and feild camp so that i can pratice a little more next years season. i hope to be working at frontinac provical park this year, its a great place for me cause thats all i do i spend my hole life in the out doors.

firts year at ofsaa

it was my first year being at ofsaa and what a experiance that was, i never thought that i was going to make it cause last year i got beat out but this i found my game and went to ofsaa with three individual events, that was even more exciting cause none of the coaches dont even rember if we even had any body go to ofsaa with three events . I dident do to good but was so proud of my self that i went that far.

how i feel about canadian soilders being in iraq

To me i think they have been there way to long, i think they should bring them home cause we here very day on the news a new death happening almost one or to every week or to. And they are spending way to much money over there to keep them there and they still havent solved the provbelm yet. I think they just causening most crap.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Are sports too violent?

i dont think that sports are to violent, really the only thing that gets a little violent is nhl hockey when they fight and you see them sware the odd time

Most people spend too much time watching TV

to me there is way to many people out there that spend way to much time watching tv instead of being out side or spending time with there friends and family.

Facebook is good for getting in touch with friends

Facebook is good for a couple different things, one is that it is very good for getting in touch with your friends and finding out new info. But there is a butch of stuff that facebook is not good for other people can see what you are writing about and they can see where you live cause it say where you and it tells you name. And if you are writing some ones wall other people can go on there site and see what you have wrote on there wall.

Should they ban fighting in hockey

to me they should not banned fighting from hockey cause thats the hole fun part of the sport watching the players fight. Why would they banned fighting from the NHL it has been going on for ever why do it now. And if they banned the NHL why wouldent they banned kids hockey to cause thats even worse then NHL cause its a bad influence to the little ones watching them fight.

The Usual Suspects

i though that this was sweet, there was lots of action in it was not boring at all and you really had to pay attention when you watch it, confusing in some parts but other than that it was an alright movie